Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu
Traditional Japanese Martial Arts in the United Arab Emirates
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Next class on Friday, February 14th at 9AM, at Italian International School (Abu Dhabi).
WhatsApp Ivan if this is your first class.

Our Instructors

The Bujinkan UAE instructors have trained under the best Bujinkan Masters in the world and each bring their unique blend of practices from many regions where this art has matured (including Japan, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia). The variety of our personal styles and backgrounds makes training with us a truly unique experience.

We make sure that our teachings preserve as much of the spirit of the classes taught in Japan by Sōke Hatsumi and the community of Shihans as possible. For that purpose, we organize training trips to Japan every year to ensure minimum deviation from the original method of teaching. Students who demonstrated a strong alignment with the school teachings, during and beyond the training practice, will be part of the contingent going to Japan. In paralel, we also organize at least two seminars per year, bringing fantastic learning opportunities for students in the country.


Dai Shihan Ivan Marovic

Phone +381 60 7175268 Email ivan@bujinkan.ae

Ivan started his Bujinkan journey in Serbia in 2000, as a student of Dai Shihan Mirko Ostojic. After successfully passing his Godan test in 2010, he founded the Bujinkan Ryōto Dōjō in Belgrade. Since then, he traveled to Japan as often as possible, to train with all the Japanese Dai Shihans as well as all the foreign ones who lived there, such as Rob Renner, Pete Reynolds, Paul Mass, Duncan Stuart. He also attended numerous seminars with Dai Shihans Sveneric Bogsater and Pedro Fleitas. In 2020, Dai Shihan Nagato Toshiro recommended him for Dai Shihan after his promotion to 15th Dan.

Ivan also actively trains in BJJ, Boks, Judo, Russian Sistema and Tactical Shooting. He also holds a Masters Degree in Sports Science and is completing a PhD in Sports Biomechanics and Motor Control. He works as a Strength and Conditioning coach at the Abu Dhabi Police College; and as a performance and movement coach with professional athletes.

Dai Shihan Ivan currently holds his 15th Dan Black Belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. He teaches on Sunday, 8PM to 9:30PM, at Italian International School (Abu Dhabi), and on Tuesday, 8PM to 9:30PM, at Italian International School (Abu Dhabi), and on Friday, 9AM to 11AM, at Italian International School (Abu Dhabi).


Shihan Frederic Casagrande, aka Ginkuma

Phone +971 50 105 8370 Email fred@bujinkan.ae

Fred started his journey in martial arts aged 9, training Judō for several years in his hometown. After trying some other disciplins (including Aikido and Karate), he finally discovered Budō Taijutsu in 1996 and started training at the Bujinkan Niten Dōjō of Strasbourg, France. Following expatriations in various places with no local representation, he continued training on his own before joining Bujinkan UAE after moving to Dubai.

A student of Dai Shihan Arnaud Cousergue, Fred trained with Sōke Hatsumi (Japan), Dai Shihan Nagato (Japan), Dai Shihan Noguchi (Japan), Dai Shihan Seno (Japan), Dai Shihan Darren Horvath (Australia), Dai Shihan Marcelo Ferraro (Argentina), Dai Shihan Pedro Fleitas (Spain), Dai Shihan Sandra Elster (Germany), Dai Shihan Didier Chasserot (France), Dai Shihan Shiraishi (Japan), Dai Shihan Furuta (Japan), Dai Shihan Someya (Japan), Dai Shihan Paul Masse (Japan), Dai Shihan Rob Renner (Japan), Dai Shihan Roland Rutyna (France), Shihan Eugenio Penna (Italy) and Shihan Chris Chen (USA).

Shihan Fred currently holds his 10th Dan Black Belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.


Shihan Anjaan

Phone +971 55 555 4631 Email anjaan@bujinkan.ae

Anjaan has always been intrigued with the arts of unarmed fighting and weapon handling. He started his journey in the martial arts by training in Shito Ryū Karate and Shaolin Kung Fu, and practices Zen-Yoga, Aikido and natural internal healing.

When he discovered Bujinkan, he realized that there's much more to martial arts than what he envisioned through his previous training. The Bujinkan was a complete martial arts with its essence aimed at making happier people. A student of Dai Shihan Arnaud Cousergue, Anjaan has trained with Sōke Hatsumi (Japan), Dai Shihan Nagato (Japan), Dai Shihan Noguchi (Japan), Dai Shihan Seno (Japan), Dai Shihan Darren Horvath (Australia), Dai Shihan Marcelo Ferraro (Argentina), Dai Shihan Sandra Elster (Germany), Shihan Oguri (Japan), Shihan Shiraishi (Japan), Shihan Furuta (Japan), Shihan Someya (Japan), Shihan Rob Renner (Japan), Shihan Mark Lithgow (Japan), Shihan Shiva Subamanium (India), Shihan Luboš Pokorný (Czech Republic), Shihan Robin Doenicke (Australia), Shihan Miky Rosner (Israel), Shihan Paul Masse (Japan), Shihan Eugenio Penna (Italy), and Shihan Chris Chen (USA).

Shihan Anjaan currently holds his 10th Dan Black Belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.


Shidōshi-Ho Talal Hunaidi

Phone +971 50 615 2980 Email talal@bujinkan.ae

Before discovering Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu, Talal spent years training in Muay Thai and Karate, in which he holds a black belt.

A student of Shidōshi Juan Pablo Napoli, Talal has trained with Dai Shihan Arnaud Cousergue (France), Dai Shihan Marcelo Ferraro (Argentina), Dai Shihan Pedro Fleitas (Spain), and Dai Shihan Darren Horvath (Australia).

Shidōshi-Ho Talal currently holds his 4th Dan Black Belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.


Shidōshi-Ho Rahul Bolakani

Phone +971 50 197 3369 Email rahul@bujinkan.ae

Rahul officially started his martial arts journey in Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu in 2015. He used to do Kick Boxing and Muay Thai through group sessions at the Fitness Club as part of cardio vascular exercise. He discovered Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu due to his interest in Ninjutsu.

A student of Shidōshi Anjaan, Rahul has trained with Sōke Hatsumi (Japan), Dai Shihan Nagato (Japan), Dai Shihan Noguchi (Japan), Dai Shihan Seno (Japan), Dai Shihan Nagase (Japan), Dai Shihan Arnaud Cousergue (France), Dai Shihan Darren Horvath (Australia), Dai Shihan Marcelo Ferraro (Argentina), Dai Shihan Pedro Fleitas (Spain), Dai Shihan Sandra Elster (Germany), Dai Shihan Robin Doenicke (Australia), Dai Shihan Shiva Subramaniam (India) and Dai Shihan Rob Renner (Japan).

Shidōshi-Ho Rahul currently holds his 2nd Dan Black Belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.